Dear Online Media Manager,
I wish you much fun with creating a completely new website. Before you start go through this list. Here you find several steps that need to be done before you can start editing and creating you new website.


Steps that need to be done from the Online Media Manager


  • Deactivate and delete coming soon page plugin
  • Deactivate and delete WP Clone by WP Academy plugin


  • General:
    • change site title into the name of your new project
    • change tagline into a well fitting underline
  • Reading:
    • Here you can choose if you want to show posts or a static site on the homepage
    • Make sure „Search Engine Visibility“ is ticked off
  • Permalinks:
    • Make sure „post name“ is chosen


  • Footer:
    • copyright goes to (if not follow the steps below)
  • How to link the copyright in the footer to
    • Go to “appearance>>Customize”
    • scroll down to the copyrightarea (bottom left) and click on the blue pencil
    • a new field open on the left side. Scroll down to the “Copryright” field
    • paste the code inside and hit “save”: <a target=”_blank” href=””>Volo Media</a>

Steps that may need to be done by the management

If you want to use a different theme create a new child theme

Google Analytics Shortcode is added to “Embed Code” plugin (“settings>>embed code” and then into “Head Code” field)

Double check the website is added to IWP (if not order it from Nil)

Elementor pro:
[email protected]
Key: d6d0ab6b57a8e28251ac2cf76f36d027